Friday, February 28

We Are Orange

What we do

We work with domestic abuse charities to identify women who need work to become independent.  In some instances, the charity may well have prepared them with their own ‘job ready’ training.

The charity will provide us with a CV for each candidate that will have an anonymised name at the outset, with no address or contact details.  This is to minimise the number of organisations who know the identity of individuals in our programme. 

Together with the CV, candidates will need to complete their own statement of what type of employment they might be attracted to.  We will provide a template for them to do this.  The referring charity will assist the candidate with both CV and template but the Foundation will take on this task if required, in a manner that will continue to protect the candidate’s identity.

We will match the CVs to both job and organisation type from our listed employers, or we may decide that training is necessary before the individual can enter the job market.


If further learning is indicated, we will identify appropriate training opportunities that would help the candidate become job ready.  Each option would either be available without cost or will be covered by the Foundation’s own funds.

Find out more on the She Inspires Foundation website.

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