Wednesday, March 12

Tag: Projects

The Inspire Cooking Circle

The Inspire Cooking Circle

One of the most popular sessions and often repeated sessions due to popular demand are our Cooking sessions. The participants lead these sessions, share recipes, have fun and make friends. These  sessions help to reduce social isolation massively.
The Inspire Circle Gets Crafty
Celebrate, Latest News, Projects

The Inspire Circle Gets Crafty

Our most recent project ‘The Inspire Circle’ funded by National Lottery reaches out to women and young girls in mostly marginalised  hard to reach communities in Bolton. The project aims to address lack of leadership in women generally but particularly in BAME communities. Weekly sessions were organised were women participants took the lead and conducted sessions. They were leaders instead of participants and spectators. All participants really enjoyed taking in leadership roles. It boosted their self esteem and confidence. They felt worthy and appreciated. A variety of sessions were conducted ranging from food, art, makeup sewing, embroidery, fitness and mental wellbeing.
REACH OUT – WiN Launches Empowering Women Art Exhibition at the Octagon
Projects, Reach Out

REACH OUT – WiN Launches Empowering Women Art Exhibition at the Octagon

We are very pleased to announce the launch of 'Reach Out' project at the Octagan by Emmerdale fame star Rokhsaneh Gwaham-Shahidi. She  launched the Exhibition alongside the Book and gave out certificates to participating women groups and individuals. The winner of the best mosaic will be chosen by our three judges -Maura Jackson, Sajida Hussain and Emma Gregson. REACH OUT is a Women in Neighbourhood (WiN) lottery funded project which seeks to engage women from a variety of cultural backgrounds & empower them through the medium of art. Launched at Great Lever Connected, the project is co ordinated by Gulnaz Brennan who is also the Founder & Chair of WiN, and was delivered with the support of Anna Kinley, Jenny Vining and Wendy Ann, Shafina and Urvashi Tulsidas. Women groups...
A Journey Into the World of Mosaics
#Engage, Mission, Projects, Reach Out

A Journey Into the World of Mosaics

For thousands of years, mosaics have been part of interior spaces. Their start can be traced back to primitive man’s simple arrangements of pebbles into patterns, describing a direction or message. The techniques gradually developed through history — from decorative floor and wall surfaces in villas and cathedrals to the modern expression of mosaics as art. Mosaics can be described as the art of decorating a surface with designs made up of small, closely placed pieces of hard material, or tesserae. Tesserae glass material, known by the Italian name smalti, is opaque and brilliant in color and can be manufactured in hundreds of hues. An Ancient Artform Scholars have traced mosaics back as far as the fourth millennium B.C. to the Temple of Uruk in Mesopotamia. Other examples equally as anci...
Anna Kinlay ‘Children’
Latest News, Women Lead

Anna Kinlay ‘Children’

I was brought up in South Africa, and I saw a lot of poverty and hardship, but mostly it was the children who suffered immensely, many stood begging on the streets for food and had nothing. Sadly some of them were from homes where they were abused and neglected by adults. Hence of so many issues around the world, the one closest to my heart, is the wellbeing of children as they are gifts from God and yet they suffer most in many situations through poverty, hunger, war and abuse which surrounds them. Sadly some parents are poor role models hence children don’t always get the guidance, love, care or safety they deserve. All children need someone to look up to. I believe that our girl’s group at Bolton Interfaith Young Ambassadors are a good example, as they are valued and guided. When I we...
Welcome to WIN
Latest News

Welcome to WIN

Women in Neighbourhood (WiN) is created with the aim of bringing together the women living in Bolton and providing a platform where they can collaborate, communicate and aims to provide trainings to support women to fulfil their aspirations. WiN aims to create awareness of women issues through various methods, including digital and print medium, WiN believes in the ABCD concept – Asset Based Community Development. WiN works closely with local community groups such as Crompton Somali Assoc, People's Youth Project, Justice 4 Abused Women Survivors, Polish Club, Bolton Community Media Centre, BMCL, HAWG Asian Women's Group, Smile of Hope, Bolton at Home, Yes Matters, Bolton Interfaith, Bolton CVS and many more  from various backgrounds. We have taken part in local events such a...