Wednesday, March 12

Tag: Latest

REACH OUT – WiN Launches Empowering Women Art Exhibition at the Octagon
Projects, Reach Out

REACH OUT – WiN Launches Empowering Women Art Exhibition at the Octagon

We are very pleased to announce the launch of 'Reach Out' project at the Octagan by Emmerdale fame star Rokhsaneh Gwaham-Shahidi. She  launched the Exhibition alongside the Book and gave out certificates to participating women groups and individuals. The winner of the best mosaic will be chosen by our three judges -Maura Jackson, Sajida Hussain and Emma Gregson. REACH OUT is a Women in Neighbourhood (WiN) lottery funded project which seeks to engage women from a variety of cultural backgrounds & empower them through the medium of art. Launched at Great Lever Connected, the project is co ordinated by Gulnaz Brennan who is also the Founder & Chair of WiN, and was delivered with the support of Anna Kinley, Jenny Vining and Wendy Ann, Shafina and Urvashi Tulsidas. Women groups...
PRANAYAMA (Yoga) for Women
#Engage, Building Bridges, Latest News, Mission, Projects

PRANAYAMA (Yoga) for Women

PRANAYAMA FOR WOMEN   Women are blessed as we are moms, we are the world for our loved ones and we are the ones who are sanctified with unconditional love. Oh! One moment we behave like a thorough professional and the next moment we wear our heart on our sleeve ... then we learn baby talk to make the little one smile. Seldom do we find a moment to find peace with the sounds of silence. Yes! In the sound of silence we listen to the voice deep within. This voice is our listener. How often we complain for not finding time for our self and how often we share the wear and tear of body and mind that would some day make us wither, wilt and wane. Ouch! The 3 Ws scare the life out of us but winners that we are we know how to turn around situations. Yes! We turn the clock with pranayama a...
A Journey Into the World of Mosaics
#Engage, Mission, Projects, Reach Out

A Journey Into the World of Mosaics

For thousands of years, mosaics have been part of interior spaces. Their start can be traced back to primitive man’s simple arrangements of pebbles into patterns, describing a direction or message. The techniques gradually developed through history — from decorative floor and wall surfaces in villas and cathedrals to the modern expression of mosaics as art. Mosaics can be described as the art of decorating a surface with designs made up of small, closely placed pieces of hard material, or tesserae. Tesserae glass material, known by the Italian name smalti, is opaque and brilliant in color and can be manufactured in hundreds of hues. An Ancient Artform Scholars have traced mosaics back as far as the fourth millennium B.C. to the Temple of Uruk in Mesopotamia. Other examples equally as anci...
Understanding YOGA for Stress Relief
#Engage, Building Bridges, Events, Latest News, Mission, Projects

Understanding YOGA for Stress Relief

Is yoga right for you? It is, if you want to fight stress, get fit and stay healthy. Yoga is considered a mind-body type of complementary and alternative medicine practice. Yoga brings together physical and mental disciplines to achieve peacefulness of body and mind, helping you relax and manage stress and anxiety. Yoga has many styles, forms and intensities. Hatha yoga, in particular, may be a good choice for stress management. Hatha is one of the most common styles of yoga, and beginners may like its slower pace and easier movements. But most people can benefit from any style of yoga — it's all about your personal preferences. The core components of hatha yoga and most general yoga classes are: Poses Yoga poses, also called postures, are a series of movements designed to increase str...
Gemma Aitchison YES MATTERS
Latest News, Women Lead

Gemma Aitchison YES MATTERS

My name is Gemma Aitchison and I want to talk to you about sexual objectification. This is my passion, what gets under my skin, what drives me every day. Let's explore what it means and you will see why. An object is something that serves a purpose for a subject. It is to be used to serve or gratify the needs of the subject. An object is replaceable. An object is disposable. You do not have to respect, consider or gain the consent of an object. You do not have to justify using or destroying or disposing of an object. It's just a thing, it doesn't matter. Keeping this in mind. Sexual objectification is to teach in ingrain the idea that a females worth is in her appearance. Or the approval of the male gaze. Their gratification. We see this in pornography, newspapers, magazines, advertisi...
Emma Gregson ‘Austerity’
Latest News, Projects, Women Lead

Emma Gregson ‘Austerity’

Austerity affects nearly the whole of Britain, you have families struggling to make ends meet. Feeling guilty when they can't treat their children. Benefits being cut for important services needed. Some can't even afford cereal for their children which is main start to the day. You have social housing with rent increase and charging  separate for repairs in their own properties or not even doing the repairs at all. We have more diagnosis for children with medical conditions like ADHD, odd, conduct etc You have parents separating due to money issues. We live in a broken Britain and for many they can see no way out because the services they would go to are declining them support, I speak to people of all ages and everyone is affected in one way or another. I see addicts wanting change but t...
FREE Courses, Workshops & Training
#Engage, Building Bridges, Latest News, Mission, Projects

FREE Courses, Workshops & Training

 The aim of the project is to engage with residents,  primarily though not necessarily women from diverse BME cultures and hard to reach communities and groups. These courses would be provided in non threatening, culturally sensitive environment for women and support them to build informal support networks. The project will use local knowledge and existing partnerships to signpost learners to specialist support like housing , domestic abuse, money wise etc. The aim is to increase self esteem and confidence and reduce social isolation. It will address issues such as Health, Stress management thereby reducing cost to public purse and increase community cohesion, improve quality of life through work skills and increased confidence. The project will break down barriers by introduci...