Wednesday, March 12

Souls Migrated- Project Report

The Souls Migrated film is an excellent resource documenting the story of people who have migrated to Bolton from all over the world. It explores the rich and diverse stories of migrants, sharing their culture and heritage covering themes of loss and hope. Making the film was a valuable experience for the participants and volunteers who took part and the outcome is an insightful film, capturing this important aspect of Bolton’s heritage. The film is a tool which can be used to explore themes of heritage and cohesion and its impact will go far beyond the lifetime of the project.

What we wanted to happen:
The Souls Migrated project set out to explore the journey that migrants take when they take the decision to move to the UK.

The project was intended to achieve the following outcomes:

• Heritage will be better interpreted and explained
• Heritage will be identified/recorded
• People will have learned about heritage
• People will have developed skills
• People will have changed their attitutes and/or behaviours
• People will have had an enjoyable experience
• People will have volunteered time
• More people and a wider range of people will have engaged with heritage
• Local area/community will be a better place to live, work or visit

The project received a Heritage Lottery grant of £10,000. Sessions with different communities living in Bolton were organised and their stories documented. The project was supposed to make one film however, in the process an idea emerged to make a supplementary second film about the volunteers. WiN ended up using some of their own reserves and funds to supplement this part of the project but it was more than worthwhile.

What actually happened:
Around 170 people took part in the project who were supported by 16 volunteers, including Media Studies students from the University of Bolton who helped to shoot the film. 57 people starred in the film which comprised of interviews with migrants to Bolton and poetry sharing their culture and heritage, loss and hope of ‘Souls Migrated’. The film permiered at the Light Cinema in Bolton and was enjoyed by approximately 120 people who had starred in and supported the film. A second film documents the learning journeys and experience of Volunteers in making of Souls Migrated.
Outcomes for heritage:
The Souls Migrated Documenatry captures the stories of migrants to Bolton including migrants from early 1970s and recent migrants from war-torn countries from Middle East. Some have lived in Bolton for many years but still hold feelings of nostalgia and loss for their countries of birth. Others are first and second generation migrants who are nevertheless impacted on by the choices made by their partents and grandparents.

The participants are mainly individuals who have never shared their stories before and their powerful journeys are now documented. Not only have these stories been shared with the audience at the Light Cinema in Bolton, the film has now been streamed on YouTube so it can be accessed as an education tool for schools and the wider community. The second screening of the film took place in Bolton College celebrating Annual Diversity Day. The film has also been entered into the Bolton International Film Festival in 2018 and perhaps other national film festivals.

This quote from a participant in the film highlights the impact the film has had on her and highlights the learning it has to offer about Bolton’s heritage.

“Well, my whole family, except my husband, have been involved. My two girls were involved and it’s just opened our eyes. Sometimes we sit back and think its just you and your community, you don’t realise just how vast it is and its every community. Watching the movie… it’s thrown me back, thinking there is just so much more out there that people don’t know”.
Sushma Solanki

Below, a volunteer identifies wider uses for the film and the impact it may have on viewers.

“I would like to see that it is something that is seen in school and colleges, again just to make people realise these people are friends, they are neighbours in our community and some of them have quite harrowing stories”.
Siraj Patel

When asked whether the Souls Migrated project had helped them to become more aware of local heritage, 93% of participants responded that it had helped them significantly. The remaining 7% felt that it had helped them to some extent.

One volunteer stated:
“I learnt a lot about the reasons people emigrate and it was quite interesting, quite saddening sometimes, to realise that some of the stories people have are quite unhappy ones. They moved because of war and conflict, other problems rather than simply ‘right let’s go and live in the UK because we want to’ ”.
Pete Thompson
Outcomes for people:
The Souls Migrated project has had a striking impact on those who participated in the film. One participant commented after the screening of the film:

“It is an amazing, amazing project, I’m quite overwhelmed with what I’ve seen today”

She went on to say:

“It’s been emotional! It’s just brought everything back; I never thought I’d be sat in the cinema crying. I cried from the start till the end, it just brought back memories of everything”.
Jyotsana Chauhan

Another participant shared:

“Well, the poetry really was a big impact on me, you don’t realise what they have left because we are lucky enough to have our parents, my parents have passed away but having my parents here, living with my brothers and sisters, I still see my brothers and sisters and having family here and not missing them, you don’t realise how lucky you are”.
Shafina Iqbal

As shown by Chart 1, the aspect of ‘Souls Migrated’ that impacted on participants and viewers the most was hearing about other cultures and traditions. This was followed by seeing local people as stars of a film and challenging assumptions about other cultures and traditions.
Chart 1
As shown in Chart 2, ‘proud’ was the word most participants and viewers chose having watched the souls migrated film. This was followed by ‘challenged’ and ‘empowered’.

Chart 2
Participation in the project also had a significant impact on the volunteers. Around 16 people volunteered to support the making of the film, including media students from Bolton University and others from local community groups. 12 of the volunteers responded to a questionnaire about the impact participation had on them.
Chart 3
As shown in Chart 3, 12 volunteers reported increased confidence as a result of the project. 9 reported increased self esteem. 6 reported finding a new sense of purpose and 6 reported enhanced well being.

When asked if they had been able to develop exisiting skills, all volunteers who responded did so positively. Chart 4 identifies the skills leaned by volunteers involved in the project.

Camera and shooting skills were the skills identified by the greatest number of volunteers, followed by project management and co-ordination. One questonnaire respondent stated:

‘It was really enjoyable experience and the skills are very valuable’

Another volunteer stated:

“I learnt a lot technically but most of all, as a photographer”.
The short film documenting the making of the film also captured feedback from the volunteers involved. Comments included:

“We thoroughly enjoyed the experience. It was a good opportunity to enhance our skills of photography and take different shots we hadn’t before. Especially the expressions on the migrant’s faces that was depicted. It was great working with the WIN Team. All in all it was a very good day of filming and listening to people’s memories and stories of different cultures”.
Jay Halai and Dip Bhatt (Volunteers from local community)

“It was a great experience! We really enjoyed learning more about the equipment and sitting in on the interviews”.
Kathryn Berry and Jack Cooke (Media Studies Students, University of Bolton)

When asked whether the film had helped viewers develop a greater appreciation of different and diverse traditions and cultures, has help change attitude or perspectives of migrants and their diverse traditions and cultures
93% said that it had helped significantly. The remaining 7% said to some extent.

One participant, when asked if anything had changed for them as a result of their involvement in the project said:

“Valuing people, valuing their feelings and when they say something like ‘oh I miss back home’ you feel for them, especially they part where Marie were doing the drums and saying about how they miss their family, that made a tear in my eye”.
Shafina Iqbal

Longer term it is hoped that the film will be used as a tool to help change the attitudes and behaviours of many more people in Bolton. Bolton at Home hope to use it as a tool in communities to humanise the experience of migrants:

“Sometimes when people talk about their family or having left their family, there are a lot of universal truths in those stories that really resonate with people”.
Lisa Forrest, Bolton at Home

The project was evidently an enjoyable experience for those involved. When asked if they had an enjoyable experience, all participants and volunteers reported that they had. When asked what he observed to be the impact of the film on the participants in the project, a volunteer stated:

“Well, primarily they enjoyed doing it, I think it was a chance for them to talk about themselves, about their experiences and it was also nice for it to be recognised that they have stories. Mostly I just saw enjoyment, wanting to take part in the project”.
Ibby Patel

One participant who starred in the film stated:

“It was a fantastic experience that I will never forget. While we were filming the whole experience made me feel like a Bollywood star/ Thank you for the amazing opportunity.”
Puja Solanki

The film itself was highly rated by viewers. 80% gave it a 5 star rating with the remining 20% giving 4 stars. All had an enjoyable experience when watching the film…however at times it made them sad and emotional as well. It helps us to see migrants as people and not as a label and learn about different cultures and heritage.

Outcomes for communities
It is hoped that the impact of the Souls Migrated project will be felt by the wider Bolton community as well as the individuals involved. Certainly as a result of the project, more people have engaged in this aspect of Bolton’s heritage and participants were from a diverse range of backgrounds, as highlighted by one participant:

“Souls Migrated project is working with a variety of different cultures and ages and young volunteers. It was nice to establish an inter-generational relationship which has a positive imapct as it breaks down barriers and social stereotypes’
Meera Solanki

The project set out to raise awareness of the impact of migration on Bolton’s community and in doing so, perhaps challenge some of the negative stereotyes that may exisit.

Refering to young people in schools who may see the film in the future, a volunteer added:

“Their heriatge is our heritage”

When asked ‘to what extent do you feel that the Souls Migrated Project has helped to build a build a more cohesive, tolerant and understanding community?’ all respondents felt that it had. However, in many ways, the potential for this film to have a wider impact on communities has yet to be realised. At the time of writing this report, the film had been posted on You Tube and had already been viewed 1500 times. As the film is distributed to schools and communities it is hoped that more people and a wider range of people will have engaged with this aspect of Bolton’s heritage.

Lisa Forrest is a Community Development Officer working on community cohesion at Bolton at Home. She was enthusiastic about the opportunities to use the film as a resource to do cohesion work at a grass roots level.

When asked about the wide impact the fim could have on the Bolton community she commented:

“Distributing the film in an education setting could be really helpful in that sharing those stories could encourage young people to see their peers in school not just as different or other, its breaking down that sense of other and working with young people to set the framework for future generations to see everybody as human. When working with adults in a community setting, the film could be used to unpick those prejudices, ignorances or preformed ideas of why people might moved into ther neighbourhood. If you can hummanise people and share some factual evidence, then people might just be a bit kinder and kindness can have a massive imapct. The ripples from that are huge!”

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