Thursday, March 13

SheInspires put out last call for nominations

WOMEN across the borough are being urged to send in their nominations for the SheInspires Awards which close on March 31.

Already, hundreds of nominations have arrived from across the globe for the awards which started in Bolton eight years ago and have grown exponentially each year.

Founder and organiser Gulnaz Brennan explained: “We want to hear from all kinds of women – in business, in voluntary organisations, health heroes, young people and all those helping the community in so many ways as well as teams and individual achievers in their field.

“These are change-makers, trail-blazers who lead the way for other women to follow.”

The awards also recognise men and influential couples who have made a difference to the lives of others.

Category leads this year include well-known inspiring local women like Mandy Worsley, Sital Raja-Arjan, Liz Hardwick, Suzy Orr, Gill Smallwood, Steph Sherratt and global figures writer Sahana Ahmed and dancer Sohini Roy Chowdhury.

Adding to the judging panels this year will be Shehla Hasan, Director of Manchester UK Parthership, Mo Isap, founder and CEO of INA4 and Ani Kaprekar, co-founder of Tech India Advocates. Local judges already include Dave Bagley MBE, Dawn Yates OBE, Darren Knight and Shauna Morton.

The SheInspires Awards 2021 attracted more than 2,000 nominations from around the world including Denmark, Pakistan, South Africa, the USA and from all over the UK. The awards’ night at Bolton Whites Hotel was beamed around the globe highlighting 145 finalists.

This year’s event promises to be bigger and better than ever with the awards’ event held on November 24 at Bolton Whites Hotel.

Added Gulnaz: “Nominations can be made for other people or you can nominate yourself. We just want to hear about these fabulous people who have often not been in the public eye before but do a remarkable job.”

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