Wednesday, March 12

Karen Openshaw: In Celebration of Women

On 8th March we celebrated International Women’s Day, a special day on many levels.

But first, let me go back a couple of days. The 6th March was the birthday of my eldest daughter, Meganne, this year was her 18th birthday so, on the 8th March this year, she experienced the day as a woman rather than as a girl.

On 8th March I have, for many years, joined with Christian women from local churches who pick up the theme for that year and financially support women in difficult circumstances from other Countries. Throughout the day prayer takes place for the Women and girls of the World all across the World. It always feels special to be a part of an International prayer movement.

For the past four years this day has held a particular resonance; because it marks the day my mum in law passed away. I had cared for Phyllis for many years until a fall and a hospital stay; when it was discovered she had terminal cancer and would need 24 hour care. She was cared for beautifully at Farnworth care home, and lived far longer than expected because of that care. However, in February 2012 it became clear the end was in sight. But she was a fighter and I am convinced she hung on to life so that the memory of her passing away did not mar future celebrations of her son, my husband, Bill’s birthday on the 3rd and granddaughter Meganne’s on the 6th. As I held her in my arms and sang to her, it seemed entirely fitting that she finally let go on the day set aside to recognise women. It’s a memory I will cherish forever. She had worked since she was 14 and, though kind and generous, had marked her own mother’s words well “now mind you don’t let them sh*t on you!” And she didn’t! She demanded a man’s wage for doing the man’s job she was doing and got it. When married she took over her father in law’s cooked meat shop in Little Lever, also caring for him and her son whilst her husband went out to work. She competed with the supermarkets by giving away sweets to the kids whose parents came in. Savvy lady! What parent would get away with passing that shop! And, when she sold up to retire and have a rest she couldn’t do it and resumed work. She was quickly promoted to supervisor at the jewellery factory where she worked. A real role model!

So, back to this year!

It really was a superb day. Meganne, who is Miss Bolton FM, accompanied me to do a guest presentation slot on their morning show alongside Lynne Ashwell, deputy Editor of the Bolton News and later we were joined by Jilly Clark, events manager at Bolton market Place. A great start to the day with inspirational ladies .

Later I went to a networking meeting with a difference. I was invited to join other women from business backgrounds at the Army Reserve Centre in Manchester for a day of activities and leadership training and learning how life is for women in the British Army and Reserves. It was such a privilege and brilliantly led by Major Taylor Jane Fox and her team.

The theme this year was parity and the International Women’s Day website asked for pledges from women and from men to do their part in bringing about gender equality. Please take a look at the website there really are some incredible facts and figures connected to gender inequality. For instance, did you realise that the pay gap between men and women doing the same job means that, in effect, a woman stops earning in mid November as her male counterpart earns up to the 31st December.

I am so passionate about this subject that, for the past 18 months, I have been a trustee for the Sophia Network. A charity which is committed to working towards gender equality, and highlighting inequality, for Christian women in positions of leadership. Everybody’s experience is different but, if you think the glass ceiling is tough to break through, you ought to try the stained glass ceiling! Please do take a look at the site. Regardless of your faith, there are some great articles posted by the team.

Next month I am delighted to be one of the nominees for the Women in Neighbourhoods Inspirational woman of 2016. The calibre of nominees is exceptional. I am thrilled to be in such great company. My hope is that, regardless of who wins, other women and girls will hear our stories and be encouraged to do all that they can to make the lives of others, their communities and ultimately the World a better place for women and for men!

Karen Openshaw

WiN Women Awards Nominee

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