Wednesday, March 12

Women Who Inspire

Inspirational Women Awards 2017  Finalists Announced
#Celebrate, Latest News, Mission, She Inspires Awards, Women Lead, Women Who Inspire

Inspirational Women Awards 2017 Finalists Announced

A big applause to ALL nominees ...its powerful to inspire others enough to want to nominate you and an even BIGGER applause for ones who took the time to nominate. The judges were very inspired by all the incredible stories of all nominees, they found it very challenging to pick 3 out of so many in each category. Please remember the awards are a celebration of achievements of ALL ??? so, here we go... Community Leadership Award 1) Carole Marsden 2) Christine L Fitton 3) Domina Nirere Contribution in Film Art & Media Award 1) Julie Lomax 2) Samra Kala 3) Iram Sayeed Lifetime Achievement Award 1) Carole Marsden 2) Sumati Devi MBE 3) Madeline Murray 4) Margaret Koppens Going the Extra Mile 1) Jamila Rashid 2) Trish Lindley 3) Shafina Iqbal 4) Ginny Allende Community Star Volun...
Karen Openshaw: In Celebration of Women
#Celebrate, Latest News, Mission, Women Lead, Women Who Inspire

Karen Openshaw: In Celebration of Women

On 8th March we celebrated International Women’s Day, a special day on many levels. But first, let me go back a couple of days. The 6th March was the birthday of my eldest daughter, Meganne, this year was her 18th birthday so, on the 8th March this year, she experienced the day as a woman rather than as a girl. On 8th March I have, for many years, joined with Christian women from local churches who pick up the theme for that year and financially support women in difficult circumstances from other Countries. Throughout the day prayer takes place for the Women and girls of the World all across the World. It always feels special to be a part of an International prayer movement. For the past four years this day has held a particular resonance; because it marks the day my mum in law passed a...
Dani Gaines – The Artist & IWA 2016 Nominee
Women Who Inspire

Dani Gaines – The Artist & IWA 2016 Nominee

"Writing is very much a solo occupation, whereas art is shared''. Dani  Gaines is another one of  IWA (Inspirational Women Award) 2016 nominee. She feels honoured to be nominated. She saw the WiN awards book last year and is pleased to have been nominated this year by the people that she works with. Dani Gaines is an artist who added the title 'author' to her CV two years ago. The inspiration to begin writing arose from Dani's natural creativity, already evidenced by her background as an artist. He favourite styles are fine art, sketching and collages. ''I think I just had a natural inclination and ability from an early age'' said Dani. Orphan's Gathering, in which the central characters are boy/girl twins, was aimed at children and young adults and came about after Dani tried...
Maura Jackson –  Inspirational Women of Bolton Award 2016 Nominee
Latest News, She Inspires Awards, Women Who Inspire

Maura Jackson – Inspirational Women of Bolton Award 2016 Nominee

Maura Jackson is undoubtedly an inspirational women, a leader and a role model. Last year she  undertook a challenge to live for five days as a 'homeless young person' to see for herself what it was like to live on benefits. Maura is director of Bolton Young Persons Housing Scheme (BYPHS), a registered charity that provides temporary supported accommodation for people aged 16-25 in the Bolton area, including some with mental health and substance abuse issues. As well as providing accommodation the scheme supports young people who are homeless by providing emotional support and practical help, with the aim of enabling them to live independently. Last year Maura undertook a challenge to live for five days as a 'homeless young person' to see for herself what it was like to live on benefits. ...
Inspirational Women Vol 1 2016
Latest News, Projects, She Inspires Awards, Women Who Inspire

Inspirational Women Vol 1 2016

  Women in Neighbourhoods (WiN) strives to bring together women who are motivated to help improve the area in which they live and also to connect the various communities of Bolton, forming a network of like-minded women. Last year WiN published INSPIRATIONAL WOMEN of BOLTON Book to celebrate role models in our communities and neighbourhoods. The book also served to inspire others to get involved and bring about positive changes for others. This year we are launching a second edition of 'Inspiration Women', featuring women of all ages and cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds - nominated by others who would like to see their efforts recognised. Among the many women who have been nominated this year are: Anna Kinley, works with the Bolton Interfaith Council and Smile of Hope a...