Wednesday, March 12


Women in Mosque – IT Skills Training
#Engage, Building Bridges, Mission, Projects

Women in Mosque – IT Skills Training

WOMEN IN MOSQUE - Basic IT sessions providing introduction to computers and  IT skills to women in New Madina Mosque. This is NLDC Women in Neighbourhoods (WiN) TRAINING & SKILLS development initiative with an aim to empower women, increase their self confidence and reduce social isolation. The target audience are women from under- represented & hard to reach communities. New Madina mosque has been very open and welcoming of the initiative. The ladies are enjoying their sessions under the guidance of the trainer Sophia Khan. Sajida Hussain, a maths teacher and HOD in a local secondary school has very kindly stepped n to offer support during the IT sessions. Most of the women feel more confident and feel a sense of pride. They are also given basic ESOL lessons to help the wit...
#16 Days of Activism against Gender- based Violence
#Empower, #Engage, Latest News, Mission

#16 Days of Activism against Gender- based Violence

16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence is an international campaign to challenge violence against women and girls. The campaign runs every year from 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, to 10 December, Human Rights Day. It was initiated in 1991 by the first Women's Global Leadership Institute, held by the Center for Women's Global Leadership (CWGL) at Rutgers. There are numerous women’s and girls’ groups currently operating around the borough, many of these are exploring issues pertinent to the 16 days of activism programme, such as Domestic Violence, FGM, teenage pregnancy, self-esteem, sexual exploitation and trafficking. The the Smile Luv Project for the #16days is organised by YES MATTERS . "We asked the women to Smile Luv to hi...
PRANAYAMA (Yoga) for Women
#Engage, Building Bridges, Latest News, Mission, Projects

PRANAYAMA (Yoga) for Women

PRANAYAMA FOR WOMEN   Women are blessed as we are moms, we are the world for our loved ones and we are the ones who are sanctified with unconditional love. Oh! One moment we behave like a thorough professional and the next moment we wear our heart on our sleeve ... then we learn baby talk to make the little one smile. Seldom do we find a moment to find peace with the sounds of silence. Yes! In the sound of silence we listen to the voice deep within. This voice is our listener. How often we complain for not finding time for our self and how often we share the wear and tear of body and mind that would some day make us wither, wilt and wane. Ouch! The 3 Ws scare the life out of us but winners that we are we know how to turn around situations. Yes! We turn the clock with pranayama a...
Second Helpings
#Engage, Building Bridges, Mission, Projects

Second Helpings

'Second Helpings' is a FREE course organised by WiN. The main objective is to promote healthy lifestyles through healthy eating. If you are obese or overweight, you have an increased risk of developing various health problems. Even a modest amount of weight loss can help to reduce your increased health risks. The best chance of losing weight and keeping the weight off, is to be committed to a change in lifestyle. This includes eating a healthy diet and doing some regular physical activity. Most people in the UK live where tasty food can be found at almost any time of day or night. Many of the foods that people eat are those higher in calories (particularly fatty and sugary foods), so-called energy-dense foods. Although your body gives you a feeling of fullness after eating enough (satiet...
Get fit with WiN
#Engage, Building Bridges, Events, Latest News, Mission, Projects

Get fit with WiN

As well as providing an online community for the women of Bolton to share, create and discuss, WiN also wants the town’s women to be healthy in the body as well as the mind. That is why WiN is offering the women of Bolton fitness classes in and around the town. According to government statistics parts of Bolton are some of the unhealthiest in Greater Manchester and, along with our cookery classes, WiN wants to make a difference to the physical health of the Bolton’s women…that means you! We also want you to play an active role in the process by encouraging, engaging and evaluating your own success and the success of other women on the site and in your real-life neighbourhood. Far from being a chore, keeping fit is actually one of the simplest things you can do. You don’t need to join a fa...
A Journey Into the World of Mosaics
#Engage, Mission, Projects, Reach Out

A Journey Into the World of Mosaics

For thousands of years, mosaics have been part of interior spaces. Their start can be traced back to primitive man’s simple arrangements of pebbles into patterns, describing a direction or message. The techniques gradually developed through history — from decorative floor and wall surfaces in villas and cathedrals to the modern expression of mosaics as art. Mosaics can be described as the art of decorating a surface with designs made up of small, closely placed pieces of hard material, or tesserae. Tesserae glass material, known by the Italian name smalti, is opaque and brilliant in color and can be manufactured in hundreds of hues. An Ancient Artform Scholars have traced mosaics back as far as the fourth millennium B.C. to the Temple of Uruk in Mesopotamia. Other examples equally as anci...
Understanding YOGA for Stress Relief
#Engage, Building Bridges, Events, Latest News, Mission, Projects

Understanding YOGA for Stress Relief

Is yoga right for you? It is, if you want to fight stress, get fit and stay healthy. Yoga is considered a mind-body type of complementary and alternative medicine practice. Yoga brings together physical and mental disciplines to achieve peacefulness of body and mind, helping you relax and manage stress and anxiety. Yoga has many styles, forms and intensities. Hatha yoga, in particular, may be a good choice for stress management. Hatha is one of the most common styles of yoga, and beginners may like its slower pace and easier movements. But most people can benefit from any style of yoga — it's all about your personal preferences. The core components of hatha yoga and most general yoga classes are: Poses Yoga poses, also called postures, are a series of movements designed to increase str...
Cook yourself healthy with WiN
#Engage, Building Bridges, Latest News, Mission, Projects

Cook yourself healthy with WiN

Are you a woman on the go? Whether that is a mum on the school run before work, eating a breakfast bar over the steering wheel; or a business women putting in overtime at the office that where your evening meal is a dinner-date with a vending machine. Do you yearn for a healthier diet but think it is too much of a hassle to cook something that is nutritious and edible and, therefore, find it easier to microwave a meal or tuck into a take-away? Well don’t worry, you’re certainly not alone and help is now at hand thanks to WiN. Joanne Pointon is a chef with 20 years’ experience. Much of that has been dedicated to healthy cooking, healthy eating, and promoting the values of a balanced and nutritional diet. Joanne has now joined force with WiN to provide the women of Bolton with the knowled...
FREE Courses, Workshops & Training
#Engage, Building Bridges, Latest News, Mission, Projects

FREE Courses, Workshops & Training

 The aim of the project is to engage with residents,  primarily though not necessarily women from diverse BME cultures and hard to reach communities and groups. These courses would be provided in non threatening, culturally sensitive environment for women and support them to build informal support networks. The project will use local knowledge and existing partnerships to signpost learners to specialist support like housing , domestic abuse, money wise etc. The aim is to increase self esteem and confidence and reduce social isolation. It will address issues such as Health, Stress management thereby reducing cost to public purse and increase community cohesion, improve quality of life through work skills and increased confidence. The project will break down barriers by introduci...
Social Meet Up for Women
#Engage, Bollywood Nights, Events, Mission, Projects

Social Meet Up for Women

BOLLYWOOD NIGHTS is a monthly event organised by Women in Neighbourhoods (WiN) for local women. It's an opportunity to meet up and socialise, in an environment of fun, entertainment and learning. Local businesses have an opportunity to promote their products or services. The evening includes a two-course meal and unlimited drinks and the emphasis is on fun, relaxation, meeting old friends and making new ones – but it is also an event that can provide opportunities for local women. WiN members can provide training in a variety of areas such as start-up businesses, team-building and confidence building and breaking barriers. Between us we have a wealth of experience, both in business and in community matters. You never know, someone here just might be able to show you how to nurture that b...