Our latest project #Let‘sMoveMyWay, in collaboration with #SportsEngland #ThisGirlCan, was launched in February, with Lesley Kelly as Project Lead. With lockdown and working from home severely limiting our chances of physical movement, the project is designed to encourage women to get moving, with a variety of sessions and activities centred around fitness, wellbeing, meditation, yoga, walking and dance sessions. Physical fitness is known to help not just physical but also mental wellbeing. As we begin to move out of lockdown restrictions, our project remains relevant, with the Covid-19 transmission rates in several areas in the Bolton Borough reminding us that we are not yet back to a sense of ‘normality’ and many people remain cautious about stepping boldly back into the social lives they took for granted before February last year. Our project also of course remains great fun and we welcome newcomers to these sessions.Sessions completed included Beginners Bharatnatyam Dance Sessions for Adults. Comments from participants were enthusiastic, with ‘wonderful’ and ‘love it’ being the most frequently seen appraisals – though one participant jokingly did mention that ‘the footwork is a killer’! Participants and audience were largely women aged 35 to 54, but there was a representation of men in the same age range, which was very encouraging. Beginners Latin Dance for Adults was also extremely well-received, with a notably higher representation of women in the 45 to 54 age group and also of men in the 25 to 54 range.You can find videos of these sessions on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/search/videos?q=women%20in%20neighbourhoods Coming up in the next few days, we have STRETCH AND BALANCE YOGA on Wednesday 19th May, at 10 am, with Toni Aspinall. This and the following session on the 27th are free to attend online and we would love for you to join us and have fun while giving your limbs and muscles a good stretch. Yoga, as with any physical activity, is also of course good for your mind as well as your body; so important in these often difficult and worrying times. Links: https://winbolton.co.uk/letsmove/ https://www.facebook.com/events/4066060646790193/ https://www.facebook.com/events/546048259718621/ |